you if you don't?Why do older women consider it weird for a man to shave his body hair and many younger women won't even touch?
Older women like manlier men. They come from a time when being a manly man was actually considered a good thing.Why do older women consider it weird for a man to shave his body hair and many younger women won't even touch?
I guess it's generational. Men never shaved their legs or chest when I was a teen/young adult. WOMEN shaved, men were hairy. If a guy shaved, well, he must be accessing his inner woman. And c'mon--KEN is hairless, and he's just a little, well, you know...
Then athletes started shaving and waxing, and it was okay because it made them better athletes. And I guess maybe women started saying, ';You know, this is better than a hairy back... and after all, he IS an athlete!!'; Then it started becoming acceptable for non-athletes to do it, bc, well, a hairy back is, um, hairy. Then maybe women started realizing that a hairy back isn't as pleasing as a smooth one, that it's not so sexy to run your fingers through a pelt, and that apes are hairy, and that in no way is that hair sexually appealing. In fact, that hair is one of the hallmarks of being an ape. (It's kind of the reverse of the whole Ken argument.)
Well, my hubby is 44 and a little hairy, and I think it'd be totally weird if he shaved. But if he was a hairy-back, I might think differently.
i just can't stand hairy guys .i think it's gross(sorry but it's just my opinion) and u men know it...girls shave their body hair to please their bfs,so we expect the same!
but i'm sure some women like hairy men...
btw,what's exactly manly about a hairy man?! i don't think hairy guys r manly at all . they r G...........
It's just a cultural thing, a recent development in fashion...however I live in Germany and many older women are hairy themselves, so I would guess they like hairy men too! And younger women (under 40) shave/wax and then I suppose some of them want men to as well...
Older people are so traditional and traditionally men are supposed to be hairy and smelly. Luckily, some men have surpassed that.
Where do you get this idea? If a guy has any couth and/or consideration for his partner, he will at least trim the bush. Come on, who really wants a mouthful of pubic hair during those ';special times';.
Male body hair used to be in. It was hot and manly. Now smooth skin is in. No body hair does keep the crab population down. I have to ask, why white women? I find black women beautiful.
Shaving your body hair is akin to desiring to be a child again. I like hair.
I like shaved men. I'm 41. Then again, I like crossdressers, so I'm kind of different that way. All that hair looks really gross under skirts and panties.
Because older women like a man, and body hair is manly.
Because this is a recent thing that no males did during our youths.
Many women prefer hair on men.
Porn Movies.
Man-scaping is a bit metro for my liking.
a guy who shaves is a pansy
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